What do you use an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPRIB) for? Well if you ever have an emergency at sea, will anyone be able to find you? How quickly will they be able to find you? How quickly will emergency services be able to find you? Well an EPRIB will give you your position at sea to the emergency services in case of a distress call ensuring they reach you as quickly as possible.
Anyone who buys an (EPIRB) knows that it could offer them a last chance of survival. While you hope that you won’t have to use yours, but would it even help you if you did?
Surprisingly, despite paying good money for the technology, most EPIRB owners do not register their beacons and keep their details registered and up-to-date. Having this information drastically reduces the time taken for the emergency services to respond and eliminates unnecessary emergency callouts, making the EPRIB much more effective.
To get a better understanding of how good contact information could save your life, let’s take a look at how the emergency rescue system works.
How an EPIRB alert works:
So an EPIRB is a safety device carried by a vessel to alert search and rescue services, allowing them to quickly locate you in the event of an emergency. When activated it transmits a coded message on the 406 MHz distress frequency which is monitored by the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system. The alert is then relayed via an earth station to the nearest Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC). As the satellites are in a polar orbit they offer true global coverage – with an EPIRB you can summon help wherever you are on the planet, no matter how remote.

If you’re looking for specialist equipment which can be used to alert emergency services when out at sea or on the water, then our large selection of Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBS) at Adec Marine will keep you in safe hands. You can see our full ranges here. Please contact us if you have any questions, needs advice or want to hire or have an EPIRB serviced.
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