Before you make any plans to go out on the seas, your boat must be prepared for any worst case scenarios. The seas around Britain can become rough and dangerous especially around this time of year.
Remember, if your boat is over 13.7 metres long then it must be equipped with:
- Lifejackets
- Life rafts
- Flares
- Fire extinguishers
There are a large variety of medicines and medical supplies available to the public to create your own marine first aid kit. It’s important to replace medical equipment as it is used or once it has expired. Make sure you check regularly and especially before you go out.
As the owner of a boat, you have the responsibility to know and understand basic first aid. Passengers will look to you for help during any incidents. It’s recommended that not only do you read up on it and keep a copy on your boat but also take a course. The best way to learn is by practice.
First-Aid Kit Basics
To begin your own kit, first consider what you would stock in your own home cabinet to treat general illnesses. Stomach remedies to prevent or treat motion sickness, indigestion, diarrhoea, or heartburn. Also pain killers, such as aspirin and ibuprofen as well as sun block and insect repellent.
- Disposable gloves
- Adhesive plasters and bandages in assorted sizes
- Butterfly bandages and narrow adhesive strips, for gaping cuts
- Sterile gauze pads to control bleeding
- Medical tape to hold a dressing or splint in place
- Roll of absorbent cotton, as padding for a splint
- Sterile roller bandages to support sprained muscles
- Foil wrap
- Antiseptic ointment for cleansing wounds
- Scissors
- Bottled water to rinse wounds
- Clean towels (small and large)
- Chemical ice packs
- Emergency phone numbers: doctor, pharmacy, poison control, etc.
- First Aid handbook

Medical pack requirements bottom
We provide a range of prepacked medical kits to provide first aid treatment for accidents offshore and inshore. Buying pre-packed kits is a sure way to get all the necessary supplies for your type of boat/ journey.
Regardless of the supplies you have or your levels of first-aid training, if you find yourself in a true medical emergency, seek help immediately. Make sure you know how to summon emergency medical assistance by marine band radio, not just a mobile phone.
If you cannot see your exact requirements or require further information or assistance, just contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you.
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